World's 1st

Micro Arduino Keylogger

with remote wifi access

Arduino Pro Micro

Things you will need

Software you will need

Files you will need

Lets get started!


Remember grounds are typically common across the board, so you can wire in ground at any ground point.
WiringDiagramKey WiringDiagram

Installing the Libraries

To prepare your keylogger.ino file you need to install the appropriate library for the USB shield.
In this tutorial we will be using the Mini USB Host Shield 2.0, so we will be installing the USB Host Shield Library 2.0.
You can retrieve this from the following link:
USB Host Shield 2.0
Before installing the library folder, we should first find the location of your sketchbook.
To do so, we can open the Arduino IDE, and in File > Preferences, under the Settings tab, at the top, you will see Sketchbook Location:
Take note of the file path. This is where your Sketchbook is located.
navFilePref navPref
Once you have downloaded the zip file, unzip the file folder USB_Host_Shield_2.0-master into your file path to your Sketchbook as follows:
Then rename your "USB_Host_Shield_2.0-master" folder to "USB_Host_Shield_20" - Special characters are not allowed by the Arduino IDE.
Restart your Arduino IDE.
Now we can verify that the new Libraries are installed by searching for example codes provided by the new Library.
This can be found at File > Examples > Examples from Custom Libraries: USB_Host_Shield_20.
You can also verify if the code compiles at Sketch > Verify/Compile.
Any errors most likely can be resolved by a quick Google search.
If you have no errors, then you are ready for the next step.
navExamples navSketchVerify

Adding the Board (.brd) Files

To set up your Arduino Pro Micro we first need to install the Arduino Add-on.
This will allow the Arduino IDE to see your board with the board (.brd) files.
This guide is for the SparkFun Pro Micro.
If you decide to use another board, you will have to follow the guide provided by its manufacture.
To obtain these .brd files we will need to point the Arduino IDE board manager to SparkFun's URL.
To do so navigate to File > Preferences in the Arduino IDE.
Toward the bottom of the Preferences window, you will see Additional Boards Manager URLs:
In the box to the right, paste the above URL.
Click Okay and restart the Arduino IDE.
navFilePref navPref
The Arduino IDE should now have the .brd files.
We can verify this from Tools > Board: SparkFun Pro Micro which we should now select.
Since we are using the 3.3V Pro Micro, verify Tools > Processor: is 3.3V and not 5V.
navBoard navProcessor
Now let’s connect your SparkFun Pro Micro to your computer.
Note: Pro Micro's are notorious to have connection issues, so here are my tips.
Make sure you are using the right USB cable. You want one for data transfer.
If your computer does not even detect the SparkFun Pro Micro connecting, chances are this is your issue.
Windows 10 should automatically install the drivers for your SparkFun Pro Micro, but if you are having driver issues visit:
SparkFun Tutorials Pro Micro
If your computer connects to your SparkFun Pro Micro, you should see a new com port appear in Tools > Port.
Verify which port your device is on and select the appropriate port.
We are now ready to upload the keylogger.ino to your SparkFun Pro Micro.

Uploading the keylogger.ino file

To upload the keylogger file navigate to Sketch > Upload in your Arduino IDE with your Pro Micro connected. If you receive any errors, a quick google search can usually help.

Coming soon - Setting up the WiFi Module.


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